Tuesday, July 16, 2013

lower division fun

 We  enjoyed playground time, projects and toys today. Hope everyone had an easy fast!

Monday, July 15, 2013

upper division monday funday

Friday the last day of week 5 we baked, played water fun,and we enjoyed a special water fight with Elisha Cohen! Was such a special visit.
We started out week 6 with a field trip to the Children's Museum, what a blast! Those who came before had a chance to see the things they did not get to do on our last trip here. Campers who were first timers made sure they saw almost everything! Check out our fun...

WEEK 6!!!! Important Information

This is the last week of camp!!! We can not believe how fast this summer has flew by. Swimming, projects, trips, sports, outdoors, playing, and summer fun....it all was a blast, and a key to our summer fun:) We really enjoyed having each and every one of your children, their smiles, personalities, and love added to all the camp fun.
We would like to thank all the parents for helping this be a smooth and enjoyable summer. Communication with the staff, sending in all the proper daily items, dressing your children in camp shirts for trip days, and being on time!
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped us get to all our trip destinations! Without you  we would not have been able to go as far as NASA and Moody Gardens, and as close as the library and children's museum.
The HOA was so gracious to let us use the pool daily! That was always a highlight of our day, to cool down in the pool.
Our new location was absolutely phenomenal! Thank you Beit Rambam for working with us to  make it all happen. We love being so close to home and in the neighborhood, and of course having a change of scenery. The playground, yard, and covered patio were amazing!
The Sephardic Gan had let is borrow some furniture items such as cubbies, cots, tables and chairs...without them we would not have had the proper set up!!!
And last but not least if it wasn't for our hard working counselors, who insure the safety, happiness, and smoothness of our children and their days, Camp Fun Key would not have been able to function.
IF you can please keep our counselors in mind as the week comes to an end. You can hand in tips to Cathy or Julie and we will present them on Friday to the counselors.

Hanna Tucker
Hanna M
Dina Kirshner
Sara Jacobson (just week 6)

Shalom Isaacson
Yoni Cohen


Any further questions please feel free to contact Cathy or Julie

lower division week 5 end

 We had a great Friday! A special visitor came to play water gun fights with us....Elisha Cohen! The kids had so much fun with him, thank you Cohen family for giving us the opportunity and mitzvah to play with Elisha. During pool time we had a special new slip and slide. The children lined up and had a super fun time running and sliding down the lanes. We made our ow delicious challah, and cupcakes. Everyone enjoyed the tasty shabbos party and had a great end of week 5!