Sunday, July 13, 2014

Upper Division week 5

We had a fun filled week with Parshas Pinchas. Yoni and Yosef were dueling out questions and Devars.

Swimming time was by the Nuszen family. Thank You for sharing with us!
This is just a temporary fix please bring your pool tags to camp. Ask your neighbors to borrow them or see if I may order them for there households. From what I understand we need to have 4 plus people that we need tags for. If there is a small fee I will be happy to pay for it.

Games seem to be winning us over with the heat of the summer . Wonderful middots with great sportsmanship. Kol Hakavod to all the children!

Thank you to Adi Hazzan and Yismo Rosenberg for accompanying us on our Field Trip to the Natural Science Museum . So many things changed since last year. We took the Metro Rail and had a blast. Thank you to our carpool drivers to the Rail station!

We ended the week with some  Shabbos cooking at Morah Cathy's house. We all had a great time . 
Sorry looks like most of the goodies were eaten before carpool... but fresh challah, cooking and brownies who could blame them.

Next we we will have a special visit from Mr. Pfefferr about what is kosher and we will learn about the HKA. Our trip then on Thursday will be to the local supermarkets for a hunt for Kosher items. We look forward to sampling some of them! :)
Drivers needed for Thursday!!!!
Please let me know asap if you can help.
Looking forward to an awesome week 6!

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